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The purpose of this document is to provide technical details about the API's. This documentoutlines the business processes supported by the API and details about specifications of API’s.It assumes that reader has a technical background and is familiar with JSON, API's.

Connection properties

Request MethodPOSTThe requested method.
Content-Typeapplication/jsonThe content type.


It is recommended that at least all booking and cancellation transactions sent through the Test / Live environment should be logged and maintained by the hotel agent for at least 6 months.

Go-Test/Live Process

In order to start testing, please notify our support team via e-mail at

When you have completed your development, contact your Account Manager for the activation of the access IP address of Test/Live Server is essential for whitelisting

Client Requirements

  • Client requests must be issued from a public, static IP address registered with System.
  • Client requests must be made via an HTTPS POST request.
  • SSL.
  • All data sent and received via the interface will be encoded in UTF-8.
  • we use deflate compression for response.

Development Phase

Once you receive your Access token, you can start the development of your application/framework. The whole process of communication consists of simple JSON messagesexchange (request /response) between your application/framework and system. Each request needs to be posted (through POST method) using https protocols. For details regarding requests and answers formats please consult the dedicated area of each request. For further assistance in development process do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Process Flow Diagram

Implementation Approach

  1. Client review of the API specifications
    1. Review of API specifications
  2. Test Environment Integration
    1. API Integration
    2. Test Execution by your Tech Team
  3. Integration Testing
    1. Determining the necessary test cases based on the API's by Our Tech Team
    2. Test Execution.
    3. Certification by Our Tech Team
    4. Before you go live you need to share pdf sample voucher after booking
  4. Production Environment
    1. API Integration
    2. Schedule Go Live Date
    3. Transaction Monitoring and Issue Resolution

Important note

  • Follow these guidelines when searching for properties for your test bookings, even for static tests. Being diligent in your property selection will help you avoid incurring any accidental charges during your booking tests.
  • Please use city id : 43316 = Ho Chi Minh City for testing purpose. With hotelid = “145” name = “Parklane Hotel Saigon South “
  • To use different nationality of different countries use same name in countries api response.
  • Verify the booking will be outside of the hotel's cancellation policy.
  • Never pick next-day or same-day availabilities, even to test promos.
  • Shop a few months ahead whenever possible.
  • Use first name as Apitest
  • Never automate static booking tests -we may flag or temporarily disable your account.
  • Shopping at least a few months ahead and paying attention to Policy will help you avoid the most common problems with test bookings. Remember, client is not responsible forany unintentional live or nonrefundable bookings you place during testing.
  • Make sure you cancel each test booking using api, if face any issue in cancellation contact us immediately.
  • Always do refundable feature booking and cancel booking after done.
  • No duplication allowed for internalreference, it must be unique for each time you hit that api.

Documentation and Downloads

Status & Error Code

NoStatus CodeDescription
2400Bad Request
5404Not Found
6500Internal Server Error
7503Service Unavailable

JSON Request Format:

JSON Response Format:

Date Format

  • Date format send to Payload MM/DD/YYYY

Error and Description

INTERNAL_ERRORAPI_ERRORThe server was unable to process the request due to an internal error
  • Bookings within cancellation deadline are not permitted for this User.
  • Bookings are not permitted for this User.
CacheNotAvailableCacheNotAvailableAccess to one of the cache failed. The cache for this searchkey is no longer available
  • Bookings within cancellation deadline are not permitted for this User
  • Booking token already exist for this criteria
  • Pricing could not complete - rate missing.
  • Data mismatch from previousresponse.
CacheNotAvailableCacheNotAvailableAccess to one of the cache failed. The cache for this searchkey is no longer available
INVALID_REQUESTRequestErrorRequest is not well formed please check and try again.
  • No record found for given criteria
  • No availability found for givencriteria try search with other criteria


The Countries API has been designed to provide All Countries data. The followingsections describe the Countries API Request and Response Format.



JSON Request Format:

TokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the systemMandatory
tokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the systemMandatory

JSON Response Format:


"CountryID": "25773"

CountryIdRepresent unique CountryId.
NameRepresent Name


TThe Cities API has been designed to provide All Cities data for particular Countries.The following sections describes the Cities API Request and Response Format.

The Request URL:


JSON Request Format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
RequestCountryIdRepresents unique CountryIdMandatory
TokenTokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the systemMandatory

JSON Response Format:-


"Name": "KABUL"

CityIdRepresents unique CityId.
NameRepresents unique city name.

All Cities with Country

AllCitieswithCountry API has been designed to provide list of all cities with country .The following sections describe the AllCitieswithCountry in one API call request and response format.



JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the system.Mandatory
RequestonlyhotelRepresents onlyhotelonlyhotel: 1 you will get all cities
onlyhotel: 0 you will get active cities

JSON Response Format:

cityidRepresents cityid
Countryid Represents Country id
countrynameRepresents country name.

All Hotels By City

AllHotelsByCity API has been designed to provide list of all Hotel details for that particular City.

The following sections describe the AllHotelsByCity API request and response format.

The Request URL:


JSON Request format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
RequestCityIdRepresents unique CityId.Mandatory
Token TokenYou have to put unique tokenwhich is provided by the system.Mandatory

JSON Response format:-

Parent TagTagDescription
HotelIdRepresents HotelIdMandatory
HotelNameRepresents HotelNameMandatory
LatitudeRepresents LatitudeMandatory
longitudeRepresents longitudeMandatory
AddressRepresents AddressMandatory
RatingRepresents RatingMandatory

All Hotels By City Full (for live data mapping)

The AllHotelsByCityFull API has been designed to provide All hotels basic data with city wise. The following sections describe the AllHotelsByCityFull API Request and Response Format.

The Request URL:


JSON Request format:-

TagDescription Optionality
TokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the systemMandatory

JSON Response format:-

Example :

Tag Description
CountRepresent total number of hotels
HotelListRepresents HotelList
HotelIdRepresents HotelId
HotelNameRepresents HotelName
DescriptionRepresents Description
LatitudeRepresent Latitude
LongitudeRepresent Longitude
AddressRepresent Address
RatingRepresent Rating
CountryIdRepresent CountryId
CountryNameRepresent Address
CityIdRepresent CityId
CityNameRepresent CityName
HotelFrontImageRepresent HotelFrontImage
IsRecomondedHotelRepresent IsRecomondedHotel
IsActiveRepresent status of hotel is active or not.
UpdatedDateRepresents UpdatedDate
Example: 08-12-2018


The Availability API has been designed to provide list of all Hotels The following sectionsdescribe the hotellistsearch API request and response format.Currency set up done only onceaccount is created and you have to use that Currencyfor transaction with api.

Note : To get hotel list you need to pass isshowroom = 0 and then to get perticular hotel's all rooms you need to pass hotelid and isshowrrom = 1.



JSON Request format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
RoomAn array represents RoomMandatory
RoomNoRepresents RoomNoMandatory
NoofAdultsRepresents total number of AdultsMandatory
NoOfChildRepresents total number of child.Mandatory
ChildAgeArray represents child Age.Mandatory
CityIDRepresents unique CityID.Mandatory
NationalityRepresents unique Nationality.Mandatory
CheckInDateRepresents CheckInDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
CheckOutDateRepresents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
NoofNightsRepresents number of NightsMandatory
currencyRepresents currencyMandatory
IsShowRooms1 Show Rooms
0 HotelOnly
IsRecommendedOnly1 Only Preferred Hotels
0 All Hotels
IsOnlyAvailable1 Available only
0 Include Onrequest
StarRatingSelection of star rating between two categories.
Min min=min star rating0 star rating for unspecifiedor apartment
maxmax=max star ratingMandatory
HotelIDsRepresents list of comma seperated HotelIDs by cityOptional

JSON Response format:-

CountRepresents Count.
SearchKeySearchKey will use in next steps ,expires after 25 minutes. You haveto do booking within that time limits.
Start priceRepresents unique Price
HotelIDRepresents unique Hotel id
HotelCodeRepresents unique hotel code
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
HoteloptionArray display detail.
HoteloptionIdRepresents unique hoteloptionid
MinPriceRepresent Min Price
IsCombinedTrue = Multiple roomsare combined in one
False = receive list of rooms
HotelRoomsArray display details
RoomNoRepresents room number. You will get some combine rooms for multiplerooms search.
RoomTypeNameRepresents room type
MealNameRepresents MealName
PriceRepresents Price
BookingStatusRepresents BookingStatus.
RoomTokenIt display unique AvailToken which is provided by the system

Note :

As we have both direct inventories and dynamic rates also so for some cases you will receive combined room in multiple room search ,so for easy to identify these rates we have now added new parameter in availability response IsCombined (true,false) if its true then rooms are combined to one room .

for example : if search is for

rooms :2
room 1 : 1 adult
room 2 : 2 adult

then id IsCombined =true that means both rooms are combined in one (roomNo: "1") ;if False : then you recieve list of rooms(RoomNo:1,RoomNo:2) and when you try to book such combined room you have to pass pax details separately for boththe rooms.

Cancellation Policy

The CancellationPolicy for Hotel API has been designed to provide Price of cancellation forparticular Room. The following section describes API request and response format.



JSON Request format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
RequestSearch key
HotelOptionIdRepresents unique HotelOptionID.Mandatory
RoomTokenUnique RoomToken which is provided by the system.Mandatory

JSON Response format:-

Parent TagTagDescription
CancellationPolicyFromDateRepresents FromDate
ToDate Represents ToDate.
CancellationPriceRepresents cancellation price.
CurrencyRepresents Currency.

Cancellation Policy Multi

The CancellationPolicy for Hotel API has been designed to provide Price of cancellation forparticular Room. The following section describes API request and response format.



JSON Request format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
HotelOptionIdRepresents unique HotelOptionID.Mandatory
HotelRoomsRepresents HotelRoomsMandatory
RoomNoRepresents RoomNoMandatory
RoomTokenUnique RoomToken which is provided by the system.Mandatory
RoomTokenUnique RoomToken which is provided by the system.Mandatory
CurrencyRepresents CurrencyMandatory

JSON Response format:-

Parent TagTagDescription
Currency Represents Currency
RoomNoRepresents RoomNo
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
MealNameRepresents MealName
EssentialInformationRepresents EssentialInformation
CancellationPolicyFromDateRepresents FromDate
ToDate Represents ToDate
CancellationPriceRepresents cancellation price.


The PreBook API has been designed to check availability status of booking before book.This APImust hit once for one booking or you will get duplication error.The following section describesAPI request and response format.



JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
HotelOptionIdRepresents HotelOptionId. Mandatory
HotelRoomsAn array represents room detailsMandatory
RoomNoRepresents room numberMandatory
RoomTokenUnique RoomToken which is provided by the system.Mandatory
AdvancedOptionsCurrencyRepresents CurrencyMandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagDescription
HotelNameRepresents HotelName
Nationality Represents Nationality
BookingTokenUnique BookingToken which is provided by the system. And used for final booking request
StatusIf status is bookable than only proceed for booking.
IsPriceChange0 Represents Not Change in IsPriceChange 1 you have to notify price to customer before booking
CheckInDateRepresents CheckInDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
CheckOutDateRepresents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
MM-DD-YYYY Example: 08-12-2018
TotalPriceRepresents TotalPrice
HotelRoomsArrary represents Hotelrooms
UniqueIdRepresents UniqueId
RoomNoRepresents RoomNo
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
MealNameRepresents MealName
PriceRepresents Price
PriceChangeRepresents PriceChange
OldPriceRepresents OldPrice
NewPriceRepresents NewPrice
CurrencyRepresents Currency.


The Book API has been designed to give booking details .The following section describes APIrequest and response format.After getting response or error in book response. you have tomandatory perform booking detail api to get the actual status of booking using your internalreference or reference number from Bookresponse.



JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
BookBookingTokenUnique BookingToken which isprovided by the system.Mandatory
TotalPriceRepresents PriceMandatory
InternalReferenceyour internal reference. shouldbe 10 max character (No duplication allowed)Mandatory
HotelRoomsAn array represent HotelRoomDetails.Mandatory
UniqueIdRepresents UniqeIdMandatory
RoomNoRepresents RoomNoMandatory
IsLead0 Represents No IsLead

For 1 booking you have to set ISLead = 1 and IsLead passegermust adult

PaxTypeRepresents Adult / Child.Mandatory
PrefixRepresents Mr. / Mrs. /Ms.Mandatory
FirstNameRepresents FirstNameMandatory
LastNameRepresents LastNameMandatory
ChildAgeRepresents ChildAgeMandatory
UniqueIdRepresents UniqeIdMandatory
AdvancedOptionsCurrencyRepresents CurrencyMandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagDescription
BookingIdRepresents BookingId
ReferenceNo You need to show reference number on your voucher.
BookingStatusRepresents booking status with details
  • vouchered : confirmed
  • confirmed : confirmed
  • completed : Travel done.
  • cancelled : booking cancelled
  • on request : on request
  • not confirm : not confirmed
  • cancel charges : cancel charges if any forbooking
InternalReferenceRepresents InternalReference
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
ErrorArray Represents Error

Booking Detail

API has been designed to Generate bookingDetails .The following section describes API requestand response format. Only one ID can be passed. You can get booking details using eitherBookigID or your internalReference



JSON Request Format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
BookingId Represents BookingIdOptional
InternalReferenceRepresents InternalReference optional
ReferenceNoRepresents ReferenceNoOptional
AdvancedOptionsCurrencyRepresents CurrencyMandatory

JSON Response Format:-

Parent TagTagDescription
HotelNameRepresent HotelName
HotelIdRepresent HotelId
NationalityRepresent Nationality
BookingIdRepresent BookingId
InternalReferenceRepresents InternalReference
CheckInDateRepresents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
CheckOutDateRepresents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
BookingDateRepresents BookingDate
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
LeadPaxNameRepresents LeadPaxName
TotalPriceRepresents TotalPrice
HotelRoomsArray Represents HotelRooms
RoomNoRepresents RoomNo
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
MealNameRepresents MealName
PriceRepresents Price
CancellationPolicyArray represents CancellationPolicy
FromDateRepresents FromDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
ToDateRepresents ToDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
CancellationPriceRepresents CancellationPrice
PassengerNo special character allowed max length 20 character. Douplication passenger not allowed.
IsLeadRepresents lead pax
PaxTypeRepresents Adult / Child
PrefixRepresents Mr./Ms./Miss
NameRepresents Name
ChildAgeRepresents ChildAge
CurrencyRepresents Currency
ErrorArray Represents Error

Check HotelCancellation Charges



JSON Request Format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
BookingIdRepresents BookingIdMandatory
InternalReferenceyour internal reference.Mandatory
AdvancedOptionsCurrencyRepresen ts CurrencyMandatory

JSON Response Format:-

Parent TagTagDescription
HotelOptionRepresents HotelOption
BookingIdRepresents BookingId
TotalPriceRepresents TotalPrice
TotalChargeRepresents TotalCharge
TotalRefundRepresents TotalRefund
CancelCodeRepresents CancelCode
HotelRoomsAn Array Represents HotelRooms
BookingDetailIdRepresents BookingDetailId
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
PriceRepresent Price
RefundAmountRepresents RefundAmount
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
ErrorAn Array Represent Error

Cancel Booking

API has been designed to cancle booking .The following section describes API request andresponse format.



JSON Request Format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
CancelRQBookingIDRepresent BookingIDMandatory
BookingDetailIdBookingDetailIdValue = 0 to cancel whole booking.
ReasonRepresents ReasonMandatory
CancelAllCancelAllValue = 1 to cancel whole booking.
AdvancedOptionsCurrencyRepresents CurrencyMandatory


To cancel whole booking you must have to pass cancelAll with value 1 and BookingDetailId=0

JSON Response Format:-

Parent TagTagDescription
BookingIdRepresents BookingId
HotelRoomsArray Represents HotelRooms
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
MessageRepresents Message
CancelStatus1 Represents booking cancel
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
Represents Currency.Array Represents Error


API has been designed to Generate bookingDetails .Date range allowed 31 days. The followingsection describes API request and response format.



JSON Request format:-

Parent TagTagDescriptionOptionality
SearchBySearch By BookingDate or CheckingDateMandatory
OnlyAPI0 Represents All booking
1 Represents only apibookings
FromDateRepresents FromDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
ToDateRepresents ToDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
AdvancedOptionsCurrencyRepresents CurrencyMandatory

Note :

OnlyAPI = 0 Represents All booking

OnlyAPI = 1 Represents Api booking

JSON Response format:-

Parent TagTagDescription
HotelIdRepresents HotelId
InternalReferenceRepresent InternalReference
ReferenceNoRepresent ReferenceNo
CheckinDateRepresents CheckinDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
CheckOutDateRepresents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
BookingDateRepresents BookingDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
TotalPriceRepresents TotalPrice
BookingStatusRepresents BookingStatus
IsAPIIsAPI = True Represents booking made via api
IsAPI = False Represents booking made direct on client portal
CurrencyRepresents Currency.

Certification process p

Please go through certification process in order to get live access.

Step 1 : Work Flow.

To ensure what API methods you are using, flow of method calls for these methods. This will help us to verify the integration.

Step 2 : Test Cases Execution by client.

Here we are providing a list of test cases needs to be executed .
Request / response for these cases will be required for verification .

[Test 1] :

Room 1 – Adult 1 (1 night)

[Test 2] :

Room 1 – Adult 2, Child 2 (3 night)

[Test 3] :

Room 1 – Adult 1 | Room 2 – Adult 1 both (2 night)

[Test 4] :

Room 1 – Adult 1, Child 1 | Room 2 – Adult 1 (1 night)

Provide Logs As below

[Test 1] : Availability→CancellationPolicyMulti→PreBook→Book

Step 3: Test Verification

Technical team will verify the test cases using Request / Response andsuggest if there is any change required.

Step 4: Client Portal verification

After completion of step 3, you have to provide test link of your integration website to verify the integration flow.

Step 5: Sign off and Live access

On successful completion of all the above steps, we will give sign off and provide Live access details.
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